

μιὰ ἀκτὴ ὅσο φτάνει τὸ μάτι, γεμάτη ἀναρίθμητα βότσαλα ποικίλων σχημάτων καὶ μεγεθῶν. ὅλα ἔργο τῆς θάλασσας ποὺ ἀδιάκοπα τὰ κυματίζει.
ὅσα βρέχονται ἀπὸ αὐτὴν λαμπυρίζουν τὸ φῶς τοῦ ἥλιου. σπαρταροῦν χρώματα κι ὀμορφιὰ ἰδιαίτερη τὸ καθένα.
ὅσα μένουν στεγνά, μένουν σκοτεινὰ κι ἄσχημα στὴν μοιομορφία τους. ἀμέτοχα στὴν χαρὰ τοῦ ἡλιακοῦ φωτός, πυρακτωμένα ἀπὸ τὶς ἀκτίνες του.


a sea-shore till the end of the eye, full of countless pebbles of various shapes and sizes. all are the work of the sea which endlessly waves them.
these that are being watered by her, shine the light of the sun. they glitter colors and unique beauty each one of them.
these that remain dry, remain dark and ugly in their deforming sameness. separated from the joy of the sun; burned by his glare.