

ἂν ἡ ἔκπληξη τῆς ὀμορφιᾶς προϋποθέτει τὴν ταπεινὴ καρδιά,
εἶναι κι ἡ ἴδια πού, μὲ τὴν σειρά της, ταπεινώνει τὴν καρδιά.

αὐτὸς εἶναι καὶ ὁ κυριώτερος λόγος ποὺ ἡ ἐξουσία μισεῖ τὴν ὀμορφιά——ἡ ἐξουσία χρειάζεται ὑποτακτικοὺς καὶ δὲν ὑπάρχουν ἀσφαλέστεροι τέτοιοι ἀπὸ τὶς ὑπερήφανες ψυχές.


if beauty's wonder presupposes a humble heart,
it is itself which, by its turn, humbles the heart.

this is the main reason that authority hates beauty——authority needs subjects and there are not more reliable such than the proud souls.