ὅ,τι πιὸ πολὺ μισεῖ καὶ φοβᾶται ἡ Αὐτοκρατορία εἶναι ἡ Ζωή·
γιατὶ τὸ κράτος της δὲν εἶναι παρὰ μιὰ ἰδέα τῆς ὑπερήφανης φαντασίας
στὸ κεφάλι τοῦ δουλοπρεποῦς πλήθους.
ὅμως τὸ Βασίλειο εἶναι ἕνα Παιδί ποὺ χαμογελᾶ στὸν Κόσμο.
what the Empire hates and fears at the most, is Life;
because her power is nothing but a concept of the proud fantasy
in the skull of the servile crowd.
however the Kingdom is a Child which smiles to the World.
γιατὶ τὸ κράτος της δὲν εἶναι παρὰ μιὰ ἰδέα τῆς ὑπερήφανης φαντασίας
στὸ κεφάλι τοῦ δουλοπρεποῦς πλήθους.
ὅμως τὸ Βασίλειο εἶναι ἕνα Παιδί ποὺ χαμογελᾶ στὸν Κόσμο.
what the Empire hates and fears at the most, is Life;
because her power is nothing but a concept of the proud fantasy
in the skull of the servile crowd.
however the Kingdom is a Child which smiles to the World.