

a child was born



whatever i do not love does not exist;
whatever i do love, it is a body for me.

even a blade of grass tries me



perched in rock's crevice,
around father's petrified love,
his wisdom's curdling,
thickest and finest at once,
heavy light and transparent stone;
a sonic cosmology :
at the centre bramble's sound,
the song of oregano and of pebble;
all around, like a sphere, sea's voice;
everything shrouded in deafening light;
the whole universe a congealed drop
from his love's ocean.

if only i could glorify you
in the manner of shrub's blossom


the sun butchers the wind

one's appearance makes room

i do exist when things gaze upon me
when father's eyes opens out my being
into light's silence


θυμε, τινα προς αλλοδαπαν ακραν εμον πλοον παραμειβεαι;
(Pindar, Nemean Ode 3:41)


(taking Fichte as an excuse)

structuralism could be true
on sufferance
in the frame of creation,
since the source of any being is a relation:
God's creative word.
but it can't be,
since that relation is divine-nature's uncreated energy.
so, it could be said that
structuralism is a history of a creation without a creator
- the fall proper.



so, here we are
between aporia and fullness
infancy and termination
wind and salt
now and now

παρ' εαυτοις φρονιμοι
"wise in our own fashion" (Romans 11:25)

stewards of mysteries
which are running through our fingers
like thin water
and we quenched not our thirst

εως αν ελθηι ο Κυριος και φανερωσει τας βουλας των καρδιων
"till the Lord comes and makes known the wills of the hearts" (1 Corinthians 4:5)