

§ [Rom.1:11]
—the 'spiritoual gift' is not simply in discordance with individualism, it is by its essence the cancelling of individualism. so, the messianic community cannot be a religious, or political, collectivity. bourgeois society and life in Spirit are totally (that is, by nature) incompatible.

§ [a hut in the chestnuts]
γλυκός ήλιος χαϊδεύει
την φθορά των υλικών—
η ομορφιά της φυσικής αταξίας
a sweet sun is stroking
the materials' decay—
the well-shapedness of natural disorder

§ [homage to T.Adorno]
advertisement—the poetry of a society which lacks the joy of experience:
unity in [the] lack of joy:
bourgeois society—the individual as the most general: totalitarianism and homosexuality


άλιο (on Ac.19:2-)

γιατί των γλάρων οι κραυγές δηλώνουν πάντα μια μακρινή παρουσία, που οι αισθήσεις αδυνατούν να βεβαιώσουν;
γιατί όταν θαλασσώνεσαι ο κόσμος όλος είναι 'κει, τόσο πολύ που απουσιάζει;
ποιά ανάσα κουβαλά ο αγέρας που εμψυχώνει όλα τούτα;
πώς γίνεται να νιώθης αυτό που δεν γνωρίζης;
να μιλάς για ό,τι δεν δύνασαι να νιώσης;


why gulls' sqaulls always imply a distant presence? -one, that senses cannot acknowledge.
why when you dip into the sea the whole world is there? -so there, that it is absent.
what breath is that wind, which animates all these, carrying?
how is to feel what you do not know?
to utter what you cannot feel?


exile (10 years after)

το χώμα πεινά για κορμί
ο ουρανός διψά για βλέμμα
the earth is hungry for body
the sky is thirsty for eye